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Prescription Drugs


Addiction can affect any person from all walks of life. It is both a physical and psychological inability to discontinue the use of consuming a chemical, drug, certain activity or behavior, or a substance even though it results in physical, mental, or emotional harm. Addiction does not only refer to heavy drugs like heroin or cocaine, addiction can come in multiple forms. A person who cannot stop taking drugs or chemicals has a substance dependency. Some addictions can be surrounded by actions or activities. Examples of these activities include eating, gambling, and even working. Addiction is a disease that is very difficult to cure. 


Addiction begins when the actions, activities, or use of a substance takes over the user's daily life. For example, many people have addiction issues due to opioid painkillers at one time being prescribed to them. It then becomes a dependence that can be life-altering.


When a person experiences addictive tendencies they simply cannot control themselves. So what is the difference between misuse and addiction? Not everyone who uses a substance has an addiction. Addiction runs your everyday life, whereas misuse is an excessive or unhealthy way of using a substance or performing an activity. So, what are the symptoms to look out for when it comes to addiction? It begins with having no control over your impulses to seek out the activity or substance you may be addicted to. Relationships often take a toll with addiction as well. Not only does it affect friends and family, but it can change how you behave with these individuals. 


Addiction can take over your life, but it is important to remember that you can overcome it. Even if you feel hopeless there is help out there. Contact Neuro-Behavioral Clinical Research for some information and resources on taking control of your addiction.


ADHD or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition that can disrupt everyday life. It can greatly affect development and how you function throughout the day. The three main symptoms of ADHD include hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity. If you are unable to sit still and are constantly on the move and if you can’t focus during tasks, ADHD is a likely culprit. If you make decisions hastily without thinking it through it could be a symptom of ADHD. Sometimes a person with ADHD has all the symptoms or just one. It is more common for young children to have the combined type of ADHD.


Symptoms of ADHD usually occur between the ages of 3 and 6 and can last all the way into adulthood. It can be difficult to diagnose. Symptoms of ADHD can overlap with other disorders involving emotions and behavior. Adults who are undiagnosed may have difficulty learning and issues in the workplace as well as maintaining relationships.


ADHD changes over time and grows with age. When you are younger, ADHD has a main symptom of hyperactivity and impulsivity. Inattention is what comes next on the symptom list. Children experiencing symptoms of ADHD may have trouble academically and socially. Restlessness and inability to sit still also go hand in hand with ADHD and typically comes out in childhood.


What causes ADHD? Clinicians and researchers are still unsure of the cause, but many factors can contribute to ADHD. Genetics, substance abuse during pregnancy, low birth weight, exposure to chemicals that are dangerous toxins during a young age, and brain injuries all can contribute to ADHD development.


Some things to keep in mind when it comes to ADHD is that it is more commonly found in men than women. Women experiencing ADHD are more inclined to have trouble with attention. Anxiety, learning disabilities, depression, substance abuse, and other mood disorders can all be found in people with ADHD. It is critical to reach out to experienced medical professionals if you are experiencing ADHD symptoms. Contact Neuro-Behavioral Clinical Research for a free mental health assessment!

Prescription Drugs


Neuro-Behavioral Clinical Research knows the importance of taking care of your loved ones experiencing Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. We offer free memory screenings to those who may be experiencing symptoms of Alzheimer’s or dementia. 


Our brains change as we age, just like the rest of your body. Slow thinking typically affects everyone as they age but serious memory loss, confusion, and other unusual behaviors are main factors of Alzheimer’s disease. The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease typically begin with trouble remembering new information because it can affect learning. As time goes on Alzheimer’s advances. This means the brain will begin to cause symptoms such as mood or behavior changes, disorientation, confusion about events, people, places, or things, suspicions about the people closest to you and in the more severe cases Alzheimer’s patients can forget how to swallow, speak, or walk. 


Alzheimer’s disease can affect memory, behavior, and thinking. Alzheimer’s disease is the cause of roughly 60%-80% of dementia cases. Alzheimer’s patients typically have difficulty recognizing there is a problem with their health. Symptoms and signs of this disease are usually detected first by friends or family members. 


It is important to remember that Alzheimer’s disease is not the only cause of memory loss. Many people struggle with memory issues, there are multiple different causes. If you or someone you love is experiencing any of these symptoms it is best to seek out help. With Alzheimer’s disease there are treatment plans that are directly tailored to the patients needs.


Extensive research has shown that the causes of Alzheimer’s may be related to microscopic changes in the brain, these happen before the signs of dementia or Alzheimer’s occur. Plaques and tangles in your brain are also a culprit. These two damage and kill nerve cells in the brain. While everyone has these plaques and tangles with old age, Alzheimer’s patients had far more


There are both normal and excessive amounts of anxiety you may experience in a lifetime. When anxiety takes over your life and controls your behaviors is when it becomes a problem. Intense emotions of worry and fear are what anxiety is all about. Anxiety can even cause so much terror a panic attack may occur.


Some people experiencing anxiety may avoid situations such as large gatherings or stressful work projects to stifle the symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety can greatly affect your everyday activities. Symptoms of anxiety can start as early as childhood and last well into adult years.


There are multiple different types of anxiety disorders. These include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and separation anxiety disorder. It is possible to have more than one, or possibly all three. No matter what type(s) of anxiety you are experiencing.


Examples of anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder (social phobia), specific phobias and separation anxiety disorder. There are many more types of anxiety disorders. You can have more than one anxiety disorder. Sometimes anxiety results from a medical condition that needs treatment.


Common symptoms of anxiety would be increased heart rate, hyperventilation, sweating, nervousness, weakness, fatigue, fidgeting, inability to concentrate, nausea or other stomach related issues, and difficulty sleeping. If these symptoms affect how you go about your life, it could be time to seek treatment. If you feel as if you worry too frequently at a high rate or your anxiety becomes uncontrollable it is beneficial to speak with a doctor or clinician to find the best treatment plan for your anxiety.


Whatever form of anxiety you have, treatment can help. The sooner you receive care for your anxiety symptoms, the better. Feel free to reach out to Neuro-Behavioral Clinical Research for help and information on anxiety.

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