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Menopause is a leading cause of hot flashes in women. Hot flashes are an uncomfortable rush of heat sometimes accompanied by chills. People may also experience skin redness, along with sweating. Areas that are primarily affected would be the chest, neck, and face. Learn more about symptoms of hot flashes below.


What is a Hot Flash?

There is no set in stone cause of hot flashes, it is just typically a symptom of menopause. It is thought that a change in circulation is a culprit. A hot flash begins with a breakout in sweat that is caused by blood vessels. The blood vessels that are near the surface of your skin expand to help you cool off. Chills and even increased heart rate are two more symptoms of hot flashes. If you experience these symptoms during your sleep, they are referred to night sweats. These night sweats can have a negative impact on your quality and quantity of sleep.


How long Do Hot Flashes Last?

Some women never experience hot flashes, while other women do. A good percentage of women only experience hot flashes for a small amount of time. Other women may have hot flashes for up to 11 years. On average hot flashes last roughly 7 years.


Hot flashes are unavoidable, especially during menopause. However, you can do a few things to relieve symptoms. Avoid stressful situations, these events can be a leading cause of hot flashes. A few things you can do to help with your symptoms are to eat healthy, get plenty of exercise, and enough sleep. 


If you’re experiencing hot flashes, reach out to Neuro-Behavioral Clinical Research to learn about some tips and resources for helping with the symptoms of hot flashes. Contact us for more information on our clinical research trial on hot flashes



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