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Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes pain within your musculoskeletal system. It can interfere with how you sleep, your memory, your mood, and can even cause fatigue. Science has reason to believe the pain is more severe due to the way your brain processes the pain. Symptoms can start after events such as surgeries, infections, harm to the body, or severe stress. Sometimes Fibromyalgia can begin out of nowhere with no warning signs. Take care of yourself and learn more about Fibromyalgia and see if you are experiencing any of the symptoms.


Men are less likely to get Fibromyalgia than women. IBS, anxiety, and depression as well as frequent headaches often go hand in hand with Fibromyalgia. While there is no cure for this condition, there are multiple ways to reduce the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Certain medications and therapies can manage symptoms. Reducing stress, exercising, and taking the time to relax are important to help curve symptoms of Fibromyalgia.


A dull ache that lasts for months at a time is the type of pain involved with Fibromyalgia. It must be a widespread pain throughout your body. Sleep is often difficult for those experiencing the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. This can cause severe fatigue throughout the day. The pain can affect so many aspects of your life. Restless leg syndrome and other sleep disorders can occur with Fibromyalgia.


With an unknown cause, researchers believe genetics, lifestyle, and physical traumas along with psychological traumas are to blame for Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia tends to run in the family. Other illnesses can also bring out Fibromyalgia in patients. 


Even your thinking can be affected by Fibromyalgia. It can make it hard to concentrate and make basic mental tasks exhausting. It is important to reach out if you are experiencing any symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Neuro-Behavioral Clinical Research is able to provide information, resources, and treatment for those having these problems.



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